Dr. Stefanie Kleinmanns
I have worked as a lawyer at Nölle & Stoevesandt since 2010. I specialise in M&A transactions, both national and international, and also provide corporate law advice to medium-sized companies.
Another area of specialisation is in providing comprehensive advice to companies in the renewable energy sector, covering the interaction between civil and public law. Due to my area of focus during my legal training contract and as part of my doctorate, I also advise on issues relating to intellectual property law.
Here, trust means being available when a quick response is required.
- Born 1981
- Studied law in Rostock, Leuven/Belgien and Bremen
- Legal training contract in Bremen, 2nd state examination 2009
- Doctorate with Prof Dr Ansgar Ohly, Bayreuth, 2013
- Lawyer since 2010
- Since 2010 lawyer with Nölle & Stoevesandt
Publications & Lectures
- „Aktuelle Rechtsprechung zu den Google AdWords“, Tagungsband zur Herbstakademie 2008 der Deutschen Stiftung für Recht und Informatik, „Von AdWords bis Social Networks – Neue Entwicklungen im Informationsrecht“, S. 195-206
- „Keyword Advertising nach der EuGH-Entscheidung“, Tagungsband zur Herbstakademie 2010 der Deutschen Stiftung für Recht und Informatik, „Digitale Evolution – Herausforderungen für das Informations- und Medienrecht“, S. 583-596
- Mittelbare Täterschaft im Lauterkeitsrecht (Promotion, 2013)